Learners engage in personalised learning experiences enabling them to develop their strengths and passion areas contributing to learning groups through projects. Their wellbeing is enhanced through the exploration of sustainable practices in their families, local and global communities. The Heights Learning community embraces learning that makes a difference!
Graduate Profile of a Height's Learner
Our THLC graduate learner profile identifies four main pillars of building their character and being a contributor to community wellness and strength and are central to The Heights Learning Community’s ethos and focus. These are understanding that each learner has a meaningful calling on their life; they are an integral part of their community; they demonstrate courage in challenging times; and live compassionately.

S.O.A.R. to greater heights
The Heights believes in love in action. Just like our wedge-tailed eagle emblem that has been well-nourished and nurtured takes flight, so do our learners and educators as they discover the needs in their communities and the roles they play in them. This is instilled in the children at each point of their learning experience and encouraged to be demonstrated both in the learning community as well as in their homes.
SHINE – A positive behaviour support plan that equips each learner and educator with the necessary skills to flourish and succeed, both individually but also in community. This plan creates a culture of empathy and responsibility by using a restorative justice approach in responding to challenging learner behaviour, helping them to make things right, and turning conflict into learning opportunities.
OPTIMISE – A personalised learning program co-developed for and by each learner helping them learn to their strengths. This program also assists educators and parents understand the approaches necessary in enhancing the child’s learning experience.
ACTIVATE – A service impact project that is collaboratively developed with learners and educators from the learning community that positively effects their local and global communities. These form part of their Project-based learning experiences, influenced by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the learning communities Adventist Identity.
RISE – A Spiritual and emotional enrichment program driven by the learning community’s Christian Values and Faith Development as well as the Dimensions of Wellness. We can lift up others when we ourselves feel lifted up. This program will include regular daily devotional experiences where our children learn about building an understanding and relationship with their God and others. This includes spiritual wellbeing focus areas set up each year with opportunities for families to invest in and draw from in continuing the life-long learning of their child.

Sustainable Development Goals
The Heights has adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of the United Nations as it’s compass for creating Project-based instruction as it provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet. Children will learn to understand the global call to action within the context of the local communities.